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Discussion:Rubén Serrano

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De Vouiquipèdia, l’enciclopèdia abada.

I call for a deletion of this article. It is part of a selfpromoting spamming of more than 40 editions of wikipedia. Alle articles (except those on en: and es:) are created by anonymoums/unregistred first-edit-users, they have the same brief text.

Please also note that all his books are in spanish, and neither of them have been translated to your language. Thus he is not very relevant to readers of your laguage. I who write this is admin at no:wp as no:bruker:Orland. With greetings; --Orland 29 de mê 2008 a 05:47 (UTC)

My name is Juan Carlos García and I'm es:usuario:selvinderan in es:wp. I am the author of this article. It's not selfpromoting spamming.

This article and others have been created to extend and to improve Wikipedia.

More information in Discusión Rubén Serrano es:wp

See en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Rubén Serrano; og pl:Wikipedia:SDU/Rubén Serrano; og fr:Wikipédia:Pages protégées à la création/Juin 2008; og de:Wikipedia:Löschkandidaten/2. Juni 2008#Rubén Serrano. Recent news is that this article now is deleted in es:wp; (check es:Rubén Serrano) his native language, due to its spamming/selfpromoting nature. Best wishes; --Orland 3 de jouen 2008 a 10:02 (UTC)
I have added references that demonstrate the validity of the article.-- 5 de jouen 2008 a 10:45 (UTC)
These «references» are from local webpages in mr Serranos own neighbourhood. Others wikieditions has already evaluated them, and deemed them as «local Madrid community websites, not notable» (See en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Rubén Serrano). Best wishes. Orland 5 de jouen 2008 a 14:09 (UTC)

af, an, AR, ast, ay, bat-smg, be-x-old, bg, ca, cs, cy, da, de, eml, en, eo, es, eu, fi, fo,fr, ga, gl, hr, hu, ie, ILO, io, it, lad, mi, nl, no, pl, pt, ru, scn, simple, sk, sq, sv, uk, vi, zh are deleted by now. That is more than 40; now only 18 latecomers remain. --Orland 19 de jouen 2008 a 20:06 (UTC)

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